Is Asking for Current Salary Legal During Job Interviews? Understanding the Impact of Salary History Bans.

Yes, recruiters can ask for your current salary during a job interview. However, the use of current salary information as a factor in determining future salary offers is a controversial practice and is banned in some cities and states. The reasoning behind this ban is that relying on previous salary information can reinforce income inequality and perpetuate wage gaps, especially for historically underrepresented groups. As a result, asking for current salary information has been deemed an unfair and discriminatory practice by some lawmakers and advocates. In places where salary history ban is in effect, recruiters are prohibited from asking about your current or previous salary, and must base their salary offers on the value you bring to the role and the organization. This helps to eliminate the impact of previous salary information and ensure that all candidates are offered a fair and competitive salary. In conclusion, while recruiters can ask for current salary information, the use of this information is becoming increasingly restricted in some locations. If you are asked about your current salary and are concerned about the impact this information may have on your future salary, it is important to know your rights and to advocate for fair and equitable compensation.

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